Ancient Beauty: At present, there has been a change in our beauty industry as well. Then whether it is a modality or beauty product. We have come a long way ahead of the beauty trends that were followed in the olden days. When it comes to ancient beauty trends, Egypt and Greece come to mind. Beauty products of Egypt and Greece used completely natural things. Even today many of those things are included in modern beauty trends.

Ants made lipstick
In ancient Egypt, women used beetles and ants to make red lipstick. In addition, the ancient Egyptians used the rich flora of the Nile Valley in their beauty products. Most of this olive oil was used. Which was used by the people here as a moisturizer for skin and hair. This oil was also used in making perfume.

Use of charcoal
Mehndi was also used in ancient times, which was used to colour hair and nails. Henna is a natural dye made from the leaves of the henna plant. Even today it is used as a hair dye and tattoo. The ancient Egyptians also used charcoal, which was used to make kohl eyeliner. This eyeliner was used by both men and women.

Use of honey
The people of Greece also used olive oil as a moisturizer for skin and hair. The people here also used honey, which was believed to have anti-bacterial properties. It was used for acne and other skin problems.

Apart from all this, rose water was used. The people of Greece started using Aloe vera. It is believed that applying aloe vera can soothe sunburn and other skin irritations.