image credit: globalhealthcommunication

Guava is a very tasty fruit. Guava is very much liked the fruit with seeds. Its consumption is also very beneficial from the point of view of health. There is a different pleasure in eating guava. The pulp of this yellow-green fruit is red and white. Guava leaves are long and bright green.

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There are many nutrients present inside guava which protect the body from many serious diseases. According to Ayurveda, every fruit works as one or the other medicine. In which the name of Guava is also included. But here we are talking about the benefits of guava leaves, not the pulp.

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Guava leaves are useful for reducing weight. Research done on rats says that guava leaves are helpful in reducing blood sugar and cholesterol levels. In such a situation, these results of research cannot be applied to any human being, in which weight is not directly involved.