Seb Ka Sirka Se Kam Hoga Vajan: In the era of social media, most people want to look slim and fit, but it is not easy to reduce belly and waist fat, it requires a strict diet and heavy workouts. In today's busy life, everyone can't sweat for hours in the gym, and apart from this, the habit of eating oily food makes the work worse. Let us know which is such a drink which can be easily lost by drinking it.

Apple vinegar will reduce weight
We are talking about apple vinegar which is also called Apple Cider Vinegar in English. It is a very healthy drink in which many types of nutrients are found which are no less than a boon for health. If you eat it regularly, then the body will get plenty of vitamins, minerals acetic, citric and amino acids. This vinegar is considered effective in burning fat, but you should know the right way to use it.

How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Burn Fat?
The special thing about Apple Cider Vinegar is that calories are found very less in it, as well as it is full of amino acids, potassium and antioxidants. Consuming it helps in fighting free radicals. It is helpful in digestion, so it also helps in reducing weight. By drinking this, the toxic substances come out of the body.

How to consume apple cider vinegar?
The best way to consume apple cider vinegar is when you wake up in the morning, mix 1 or 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water. Apart from this, you can consume this drink 30 minutes before any meal. If you adopt this method regularly, its effect will be visible in a few weeks.