Photo Credit: Hindustan

At present, it is seen that most of the people are very worried about their increasing weight. People adopt many methods to reduce their increasing weight, but still, they do not get relief from their increasing weight, in such a situation, it is important that along with your daily workout, you should consume some such things, which will give you the desired result. If you are also worried about your increasing weight, then you do not have to worry because through this article we will tell you how to use poppy seeds to lose weight. Health experts say that poppy seeds have anti-inflammatory and antifungal and antibacterial properties, along with it contains copper, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, carbs, calcium,

* Garnishing the food with poppy seeds:

Let us tell you that fiber is found in the middle of the poppy, which is considered very effective in reducing weight, for this you must include its intake in your daily diet. Garnish the poppy seeds on top of the food and follow this method regularly. You will see that within a few weeks, you will start seeing a difference in your body.

Photo Credit: Healthshots

* Consume sarbat made of poppy seeds:

If you want a tasty alternative to the consumption of poppy seeds to reduce your increasing weight, then buy poppy syrup from the market and make syrup out of it. By drinking this, you do not feel hungry for a long time, due to which you avoid eating more food, if you do this regularly, then it helps you to lose weight.

Photo Credit: Healthshots

* Consume poppy seeds with milk:

If you consume milk and poppy seeds mixed together, then your body gets many benefits from it. Let us tell you that the muscles and bones become strong by its use, for this, you boil a spoonful of poppy seeds in a glass of milk and consume it when it is lukewarm. By consuming it, your stomach remains full for a long time and you avoid overeating. To lose weight, you can consume it in the morning breakfast.