Losing weight has become a big challenge for everyone these days. To reduce weight, people include everything from exercise to a healthy diet in their lifestyle. However, some drinks can keep your weight under control. Today we are going to tell about one such drink, apart from reducing weight, your health will also be fine.

Sipping this cooling drink every morning during hot summer days can help you lose weight. This drink is made by mixing basil seeds, lemon, and honey. All three things mixed in this drink are very beneficial for your health and it will also keep you under control.

Sabja (Basil) seeds are high in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which stimulates fat-burning metabolism in the body. The fiber present in sabja seeds also promotes fat loss by reducing the absorption of fat and carbohydrates in the body.

Lemon is easy to digest, sour in taste, and hot in effect. It improves appetite, metabolism and even gives relief from thirst. Lemon helps detox the liver and reduces inflammation.

Also, it is one of the most famous fat-burners used for ages along with honey. Along with its fat-burning properties, it is also rich in vitamin C, folate, thiamin, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and potassium.

Honey is the best Ayurvedic fat burner. The reason for including it in the recipe is said to be its taste and potency. It is sweet hence keeping away the craving for sweets which we mostly experience during summer.

Honey also has astringent nature and is warming in nature which helps in reducing weight easily by eliminating excess fat and even bad cholesterol.

Therefore, in summer, consume this drink on an empty stomach (or 1 hour before meals). You will see that after consuming this drink both your weight and health are better than before.

(PC: Freepik)