If you are using sweet things without sugar in an attempt to reduce obesity, then stop today. The World Health Organization (WHO) has cautioned that sugar-free sweets can make you a diabetic. Apart from this, you may have heart disease. Eating sugar-free sweets can make you more fat.

Artificial sweetener increases the risk
After recent research, the World Health Organization has issued new guidelines on Non-Sugar Sweeteners. According to this, the use of artificial sweeteners for a long time can be life-threatening. According to research, Non-Sugar Sweeteners or Artificial Sweeteners are proving dangerous in weight loss and controlling lifestyle diseases. Artificial sweeteners can make you fat or give you heart disease.

WHO's statement scared
According to WHO, people should work with sweet that comes from nature, such as fruit, sugarcane, or any other sweet thing like honey. Health experts say that the habit of reducing sweets in food should be inculcated from childhood. Nonsugar sweetener or artificial sweetener does not contain any nutrients. There is no benefit from using these things for a long time. Obesity does not reduce at all.

Important information for diabetic patients
Let us tell you that these guidelines are not for those who are diabetic patients, diabetes patients are given information about their daily dose of artificial sweetener but the options available in the market with no calories or zero calories do not tell that How much should be consumed daily and what harm can be caused by excessive consumption. If you want to know if your artificial sweetener is okay then according to WHO all are useless.

Revealed in research
Research has found that using such a sweetener for three months reduced weight and reduced calories, but did not reduce the amount of glucose in the body, did not help with heart disease, and did not reduce blood sugar. The people who ate this sweet for 6-18 months did not even lose weight. In the study, one group was given artificial sweetener while the other was given water instead. No difference was found in the group. People who were given Non-Sugar Sweeteners or Artificial Sweeteners for ten years, on the contrary, became obese.

Increased risk of heart disease
According to research, in 13 years of follow-up, the risk of diabetes and heart disease increased in many people. Even people who were eating sweets mixed with saccharin had an increased risk of bladder cancer. There was no benefit from giving nonsugar sweeteners to children. More cases of premature delivery were found in pregnant women using Non-Sugar Sweeteners. Asthma and allergy problems were observed in infants. However, no link was found between gestational diabetes and the use of artificial sweeteners.

(PC: Freepik)