During menopause, there are many changes in the body of women, which also affects their weight. Due to hormonal changes in menopause, women also have to face many problems. Menopause is seen in women between 45-50 years. The symptoms of menopause start appearing in women some time ago. Menopause means the end of periods, after which women cannot become pregnant naturally. The early symptoms of menopause are called the menopausal transition or perimenopause and last for a few years. During this time, due to the changes in fat cells, the weight of women increases more easily. Is it possible to lose weight during this time, this question is often asked. Let us know about this from the experts. Dietician Radhika Goyal is giving this information.

Is it possible to lose weight during menopause?

Most women complain of weight gain during menopause. At the same time, it is also very difficult to lose weight during this time. But it is also not that you cannot lose weight in menopause. However, during this time the process of weight loss will be very slow because menopause causes many hormonal changes in the body, which also affect metabolism. According to experts, to lose weight at this time, you will need nutrition, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Also, you have to maintain patience as it will not be that easy.

Tips for weight loss in menopause

  • To lose weight during menopause, you should follow some tips given by experts.
  • Take care of protein intake. To maintain muscle mass, it is necessary to have the right amount of protein in the body. This also boosts metabolism.
  • Take care of the amount of water. It is also very important to stay hydrated.
  • Include more vegetables in the diet. This will keep your stomach full and keep calorie intake under control.

  • Eat a diet rich in vitamin D and calcium. During menopause, the amount of estrogen in the body starts decreasing, so pay attention to the strength of the bones.
  • Eat things rich in omega-3. You can also take omega-3 supplements on the advice of a doctor. It is essential for heart, brain, skin, bone and joint health.
  • Many women experience heavy bleeding during perimenopause. In such a situation, eat iron-rich foods so that the amount of iron in the body remains correct.

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