To keep your garden green during winter, you need to pay attention to all the plants because the temperature becomes very low during this season. It is also very important to take care of the aloe veraplant; otherwise, your aloe vera plant may get damaged during the winter season.

In this article, we will tell you how you can take care of the Aloe vera plant. So let's know how you can take care of the aloe vera plant in winter.

1. Do not add too much water

You should not add too much water to the aloe vera plant in winter. By doing this, the aloe vera plant gets spoiled very quickly and its roots also start rotting. Due to this, the plant can also die. In winter, if you see the soil of the Aloe Vera plant too dry, then you can give water to the plant.

After watering the plant for one day, you should not water it for at least two days in winter. In winter, you should keep the aloe vera plant where there is more sunlight. Due to this, if there is excess water in the plant, it will dry up.

2. How to fertilize

You shouldn't add too much fertilizer to plants over winter. Let us tell you that if you apply too much fertilizer in winter, it will also harm your aloe vera plant. You can add fertilizer for two or three days to keep the plant safe.

This gives the plant many nutrients. You should use only organic fertilizers in winter instead of chemical fertilizers. You can use vegetable peels as organic fertilizer.

3. Clean the plant

During winter, more dirt accumulates on the aloe vera plant. In this case, you can clean the aloe vera leaves with the help of a clean cloth. Along with this, you should remove those extra leaves of the plant which can spoil the rest of the leaves. Instead of throwing it, you can also store it and then use it for some other purpose.

image credit- freepik


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