Increased weight and belly fat can not only spoil the looks but also invite diseases. To stay healthy, it is important to have the right levels of hormones, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients in the body. Similarly, weight should also be under control. More or less weight can put you in trouble. The easier it is to gain weight, the more difficult it is to reduce it. Especially, it takes a lot of effort to reduce stubborn belly fat. Here we are telling you about some such nuts and dry fruits, which if eaten soaked in water can reduce weight rapidly. Dietitian Simran Kaur is giving information about this. Simran is a certified dietitian and nutritionist.

Almonds for weight loss

Almonds are rich in protein, vitamin E, dietary fibre and omega-3 fatty acids. Almonds have many benefits, from improving digestion to reducing weight. Eating it daily also boosts immunity. When almonds are soaked in water and eaten, a special enzyme is released from it, which helps in burning fat. Almonds also contain high amounts of magnesium. This reduces sugar cravings.

Walnuts for belly fat

If you soak walnuts and eat them, it can help in weight loss. Walnuts are rich in fibre and omega-3 fatty acids. Eating soaked walnuts boosts metabolism, improves digestion and reduces obesity.

Dried Plums for Belly Fat

Dried plums are rich in potassium, iron and fibre. Consuming it daily relieves constipation, cleanses the stomach and makes the body look slim. People who are suffering from anaemia must eat it.

Raisins reduce obesity

Raisins are also beneficial in reducing obesity. Raisins are rich in antioxidants and eating them daily detoxifies the body. Eat 5-7 soaked raisins every night. This will reduce weight and maintain strength in the body.

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