Brenda Workman, 63, who lives in the US, has spent her entire life in a weight loss-weight gain cycle. She was able to lose some weight with discipline, but her cravings for foods high in sugar and fat often resulted in overeating and regaining weight. Workman told that his BMI has come in the category of obesity. She still hesitates to reveal her maximum weight.

Due to obesity, he used to feel lethargic and his joints used to ache. She had high cholesterol for about 25 years and was taking statins to control it. In 2020, he started feeling dizzy, after which he checked his blood pressure, which was high. After this, he contacted the doctor. The doctor prescribed him blood pressure medication and also suggested switching to a plant-based diet.

Daily diet plan for workman
Workman switched to a vegan diet, eliminating all animal products—meat, cheese, eggs, and dairy. It was a big change because she grew up on biscuits, meat and sausage, and all those things that lead to obesity. Initially, Workman found it a little difficult to switch to a plant-based diet, but then experimenting with recipes helped him. Now she eats oats or cold for breakfast. The salad was a big part of his daily diet, which includes roasted potatoes, chickpeas, and all kinds of vegetables. Brown rice with beans is her favorite food. Now instead of sugar, she uses dates, raisins, fruit, or a little maple syrup to sweeten her dishes.

Workman's Body Transformation
Three years after switching to a plant-based diet, Workman lost 27 kilos. Along with this, his blood pressure was controlled and there was no need for medicine to reduce cholesterol.

Benefits of plant-based diet
According to a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, following a nutritious plant-based diet can lower cholesterol levels. Also, the risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart failure can be reduced. According to nutritionists, vegetarians should consider B12 supplements as this vitamin is found only in animals.