Weight gain is one of the most serious problems of the present times, which is being recognized by health experts as a major cause of many chronic diseases. From heart disease to diabetes and joint problems, being overweight is known to increase problems for the entire body. On the other hand, if you have become a victim of obesity from an early age, then it can be the cause of even bigger problems for you.

Researchers found that being overweight between the ages of 17-30 can lead to several life-threatening problems, the most prominent of which is the risk of prostate cancer in men.

Health experts say that all people should constantly try to keep their weight under control. According to a Swedish study, men who are very overweight by the age of 30 have an increased risk of developing an aggressive form of prostate cancer and dying from it. Significantly, prostate cancer is the most common and fatal cancer in men, due to which millions of people die every year.

Prostate cancer risk due to weight gain
Researchers have given information about this risk in the study of Obesity and Disease Development Sweden, presented at the European Congress on Obesity 2023. For the study, researchers analyzed data from 258,477 men who were overweight between the ages of 17 and 30. Men who gained 1 pound (about 450 grams) or more per year were found to have a 10 percent higher risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer and a 29 percent higher risk of dying from prostate cancer, compared to those with a stable weight.

Prostate cancer and risk of death
The researchers concluded that a weight gain of five kilograms or more between the ages of 17-30 could increase the risk of aggressive prostate cancer by 13 percent. Aggressive prostate cancer refers to the rapid growth and spread of cancer cells.

Lead researcher Marisa Da Silva, Professor in the Department of Translational Medicine at the University of Sweden, said: "Prevention of prostate cancer requires continued measures to prevent weight gain in young men."

What do researchers say?
The team of researchers reported that obesity increases the risk of prostate cancer in two ways.

First, obesity is associated with a lack of physical activity, which is a major risk factor for prostate cancer.
Second, obese men have higher levels of insulin, which has been shown to promote carcinogenesis and reduce apoptosis. These chemicals can cause the growth of cells in the body and increase the risk of cancer.

Experts say that although people of all ages should pay attention to keeping their weight under control, people aged 17-30 need to pay serious attention to it. Being overweight can lead to the risks of many diseases.

(PC: Freepik)