If we want to keep our body strong, then it is necessary to make bones strong, but with increasing age, weakness starts coming in it because after the age of 35 to 40, calcium starts decreasing in the body, the effect of which is visible on bones and teeth. To avoid this problem, apart from calcium, we also need vitamin D in our daily diet, only then body pain and bone fractures can be avoided. Let's know what are the reasons due to why the bone starts getting weak.

Bones become weak due to these habits
1. People who often eat more red meat, their body starts getting more protein than it needs, due to which the problem of acidity arises and most of the calcium gets out of the body during excretion. Therefore, consume a limited amount of protein-rich diet.

2. People who consume carbonated beverages like cold drinks and soft drinks more, may have to face weak bone problems. Phosphate is high in such drinks, which is responsible for reducing calcium, in which case the bones gradually begin to weaken.

3. Some people consume acidity medicines too much, they should control it. Due to these medicines, there are problems in the absorption of minerals like calcium, magnesium, and zinc.

4. If you want to keep the bones strong, then reduce the intake of tea and coffee, because the caffeine present in them affects the bones and such people need more caffeine.

Ways to strengthen bones
1. Include dry fruits like cashews, almonds, raisins, and walnuts in your daily diet as they are rich in calcium and potassium.

2. If you like to eat sugar for sweetness, then start eating jaggery instead of it from today, so that your body gets both calcium and iron.

3. If you do not eat milk and milk products, then start consuming them from now on, apart from milk, there is the benefit of eating curd and paneer.

4. Green vegetables should be eaten to make bones strong. Especially include beans in the diet, which contain vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and folic acid.