The food was very good, and the stomach was full, now just get some sweets and enjoy! Most of us say something similar after eating. After eating, until something sweet is not found, it feels incomplete. But sweet cravings after eating are not good for our health. People have sweet cravings after meals or sometimes at night, and people eat more sweets. Excess sugar causes poor gut health and hormonal imbalance. In such a situation, it is very important to take care of sugar intake. Mild sugar cravings are normal, but if you have an excessive craving for sweets, then you should know the reason behind it and the ways to control it. Dietician Manpreet has given information about this on her Instagram account. Let us know why there is a desire to eat sweets after eating and how it can be controlled.

Why do sweet cravings happen?

Mild and occasional sweet cravings are perfectly normal. But if you always have the desire to eat something sweet after eating food, then there can be many reasons behind it. Dehydration, lack of magnesium in the body, and irregular eating habits can lead to sugar cravings. Somewhere it is also an indication that the body is not getting complete nutrition.

How to control it?

You can adopt some easy methods to control sugar cravings. Let's know about them.

  • Increase the amount of protein in your food. Protein improves insulin sensitivity.
  • Don't give up carbs completely. Make sure to include carbs in your diet. Carbs help stimulate the release of the happy hormone serotonin.
  • Do drink water because lack of water also promotes sugar cravings.
  • Drink water from fenugreek seeds. It prevents the increase of blood sugar levels in our bodies.

  • Include things like quinoa, spinach and nuts in your diet. They are rich in magnesium which helps in regulating blood sugar levels.
  • Drink cinnamon water after eating food. It keeps the blood sugar level under control.
  • Do take sunlight between 9-11 am. Vitamin D also helps in managing blood sugar levels.
  • To improve gut health, include gut-friendly foods like idli, dosa and curd in your diet.
  • Instead of eating large meals at once, eat something at short intervals. This also keeps the blood sugar level under control.

While having lunch, do apply a spoonful of ghee to the roti. Ghee contains fatty acids which manage sugar cravings.

Image Credit – Freepik