Are you getting enough B vitamins? If not, pay attention to this. Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient, which the body needs to make DNA and red blood cells, produce energy and for the central nervous system to function properly.

With age, the ability to absorb B12 from food decreases, so the body shows its deficiency in old age. Vitamin B12 deficiency is also found in pregnant, breastfeeding women, children and young people. But, B12 deficiency is often overlooked.

That's why today we are telling you about some such symptoms, which appear in the body due to its deficiency. Nutritionist and Ayurvedic doctor Sonam is giving us these tips.

Ms. Sonam says, 'Even though this vitamin is found in many foods, B12 deficiency is common. A deficiency of B12 not only affects physical but also mental health.


Vitamin B12 deficiency causes problems in women getting pregnant. Also, if your body is deficient in vitamin B12, include other B complex vitamins in the diet including B6 and folate.


B12 deficiency is very common in hypothyroid patients. Therefore, include vitamin B-12 in your diet. Vitamins and nutrients help fight thyroid-related problems like swelling, hair fall, obesity, etc.


B12 is essential for the functioning of the central nervous system and a deficiency of this nutrient can affect your mental health and lead to problems like depression, anxiety, and dementia. In addition, low levels of B12 raise levels of a sulfur-containing amino acid called homocysteine. It aggravates depression by increasing oxidative stress and DNA damage in the body.

Low energy

If you are deficient in B12, you may experience fatigue from megaloblastic anaemia. Due to its deficiency, the production of blood cells decreases, due to which there is an obstruction in the oxygen flow in the body.

Burning or stinging

Due to the deficiency of this vitamin, some parts of the body feel like pricking needles in the hands and feet. This is because this vitamin is essential for the nervous system.

Impact on mental health

B12 deficiency harms the nervous system, and low B12 levels can lead to difficulty concentrating and completing tasks.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, see a doctor immediately. Since your body does not make vitamin B12 on its own. You have to take it from plant base foods or supplements and you should do so regularly.

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