Walking is considered very good for health. Often people walk early in the morning in summer, but with the arrival of winter, the walking reduces. To protect yourself from cold, one should avoid walking in the early morning in winter. But this does not mean that you should not walk. However, you can walk after light sunshine in the morning. In winter, it is best to do it between 8:30 to 9:30 in the morning. At the same time, you can also take a walk between 5-6 pm.

However, wear warm clothes during this period. So that you don't feel cold. If you are not able to walk daily in winter, then definitely walk 4-5 days a week. Let us know from experts how walking in winter can benefit health. Dietician RadhikaGoyal is giving this information. Radhika is a certified dietitian and nutritionist.

Benefits of walking in winter

  • Joint pain often troubles people in winter. Walking in winter strengthens bones.
  • Blood circulation improves and heart health improves.
  • Walking boosts metabolism and improves digestion.
  • Endorphin hormone is released while walking. Due to this, the stress level is reduced and the mood improves.
  • Obesity starts increasing in winter. In such a situation, regular walking helps in reducing weight.
  • Many muscles work while walking. Due to this muscle strength increases.
  • If you walk daily, you get good sleep.
  • Taking a brisk walk in winter boosts energy levels and removes laziness.
  • If you are troubled by stress and anxiety, then walking daily can help you.
  • Walking can also help in managing BP and sugar levels.

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