Many times the problem of vomiting and nausea starts arising while traveling or after eating some wrong food. Although it is not a serious illness, vomiting is enough to make us uncomfortable. In such a situation, it becomes very important to avoid it in time. People often take medicines when they feel like vomiting, but sometimes they also have the opposite effect. In such a situation, you need some natural things that work to stop the problem of vomiting without causing harm. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you about some such home remedies which will help you. Let us know about these measures…

The antibacterial properties and gingerols of ginger prove to be very effective in preventing nausea and vomiting. You can also eat ginger by cutting it into small pieces or drink it like tea by heating it in water for some time. Your problem will go away.

Lemon juice
The vitamins and proteins in lemon can help stop vomiting. You can drink a glass of fresh lemon water or squeeze a lemon into a glass of water and drink it. You can mix honey with water for sweetness.

Mint leaves
Mint leaves and oil are used to make many types of medicines and it also helps in getting rid of stomach-related problems. Soak mint leaves in hot water for half an hour. Then filter it and consume mint water like tea. Alternatively, you can also consume fresh mint leaves to reduce vomiting.

Fennel proves to be a good remedy to give relief to the stomach when vomiting is felt. Considering its many properties, it is advisable to consume fennel after eating food. Fennel seeds can be chewed in case of nausea or feeling like vomiting. Apart from this, keep the fennel in hot water for a few minutes, or after boiling it, filter it in a glass and drink this water, you will feel relaxed.

Green cardamom
Green cardamom can be used to treat nausea. It is effective in treating vomiting. You can either chew a cardamom or eat it with honey when you feel nauseated. Add some honey, and half a teaspoon of cardamom powder and mix in the bowl and mix well. Use it to stop vomiting.

You must have heard of many benefits of cloves, but it also proves to be very useful in case of vomiting and nausea. Boil a cup of water and add some clove buds to it. Stir this water well, filter, and drink like tea.

Onion also helps a lot in stopping vomiting. Take one spoonful of onion juice. Grind one spoon of ginger and mix it. Keep using it for a while. It is also very helpful in stopping vomiting. Mixing onion and coriander juice and giving it stops vomiting immediately, and nausea also reduces.

Sometimes due to stomach problems, nausea and vomiting also start. In such a situation, cumin can be very beneficial for the stomach and digestive system. Mix cumin powder in water and consume it. If cumin powder is not available, then grind and use whole cumin seeds. You can consume it once or twice or as per your requirement.

Ajwain can be eaten to remove many stomach problems. If you are at home, roast carom seeds with black salt and eat them with a glass of water. You can carry this mixture in a box while traveling. Apart from this, ajwain water can also be drunk.

Boil 100 grams of rice. When the rice is boiled and ready, take out the remaining water in a vessel. This rice water is also called Lava or Mand. Add honey and sugar to it. Make a decoction of moong dal equal to this, and mix it. Taking it two to three times a day is very beneficial for vomiting.