If the hair is beautiful then it adds to the beauty. But most of these two people are facing hair-related problems. Often people's hair is turning gray at an early age. If we talk about old times, this problem used to be seen at the age of 35 or 40, but now even 10-year-old children's hair is turning grey. To hide it, people often use henna or dye, colour. But as soon as some time passes, white hair starts appearing again. A deficiency of some vitamins in the body is responsible for greying of hair. Let us know which vitamin deficiency causes grey hair.

Deficiency of which vitamin causes grey hair?

A deficiency of Vitamin B12 is responsible for the greying of hair. Yes, when your body does not get a sufficient amount of Vitamin B12 or does not absorb Vitamin B12 properly from food, then the production of melanin responsible for the black colour of hair starts decreasing. Due to this, the hair starts turning grey. Let us tell you that once any follicle stops producing melanin, the possibility of it starting again is lost and after that, your hair only appears white.

Vitamin B12 helps in making red blood cells which carry oxygen to your hair follicles. When the level of Vitamin B12 starts decreasing, nutrition does not reach your hair follicles, due to which hair starts getting damaged and hair starts turning grey. Along with this, hair fall also continues. People who take too much stress also start greying their hair prematurely.

Protect yourself like this

  • Consume foods rich in vitamin b12.
  • Like meat, fish, milk, curd, and dairy products are high sources of vitamin B12.
  • Don't smoke.
  • Consuming antioxidant-rich foods
  • Do meditation to manage stress.

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