Vitamin B12 is such a nutrient, about which things are very less, but it is very important for our body, it is necessary to include it in the daily diet, only then we can dream of a healthy life. This vitamin is very useful for the development of our Central Nervous System. Famous Dietician Dr. Ayushi Yadav, working at GIMS Hospital in Greater Noida, told that the presence of B12 helps in the formation of Red Blood Cells and the Synthesis of DNA in the body.

Vitamin B12 is available from these foods
If there is a deficiency of Vitamin B12 in our body, then its serious consequences can come to the fore. To avoid this, you can include some special foods in your daily diet. For this eat animal products like meat, fish, chicken, eggs, and milk. Those who are Vegan, they are always at risk of deficiency of this vitamin.

Its absorption takes place in the small intestine
Absorption of Vitamin B12 takes place in our intestine, especially at the end of the small intestine which is called the Ileum. It is important to ensure that the absorption of B12 is happening properly in your intestine or not.

Benefits of Vitamin B12
1. There will be no anemia

If you are consuming the right amount of Vitamin B12 Rich Foods, then there will be no anemia in your body. People who are deficient in this nutrient become victims of anemia because the red blood cells start decreasing.

2. Essential for pregnant women
Women who are pregnant should eat regular vitamin B12 foods as it is essential for the brain development of the unborn child. If this important nutrient is deficient during pregnancy, problems can arise in the brain and spinal cord during the birth of the child.