Our body requires a nutritious diet to keep it healthy and functioning optimally. A nutritious diet provides essential vitamins and minerals to the body. Vitamin A is one of the nutrients our body needs. Vitamin A is essential for keeping the eyes healthy as well as the immune system, reproduction, and skin healthy. Are there things containing Vitamin A in your diet?

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble nutrient and can be easily obtained through diet. People who are deficient in this vitamin are at risk for problems including vision problems, difficulty conceiving, dry and inflamed skin, and chest infections.

Let us know why it is important to include Vitamin A in the diet and how it can be obtained through diet.

Risk of Vitamin A deficiency in women
Our body converts carotenoids present in red, green, yellow, and orange-colored fruits and vegetables into Vitamin A. For this, things rich in Vitamin A can also be included in the diet. If you do not consume nutritious food, it can cause Vitamin A deficiency.

Cases of deficiency of this vitamin are seen more in pregnant women, lactating mothers, infants, and children. Conditions such as cystic fibrosis and chronic diarrhea can also increase the risk of deficiency.

This vitamin is important for the eyes
Vitamin A is important for your vision. Your eyes make specific pigments to keep the retina functioning properly. Vitamin A deficiency hinders your eyes' ability to produce these pigments, putting you at risk of night blindness. In other words, you need vitamin A for the ability to see at night.

Apart from this, Vitamin A is also required to produce moisture in the eyes, so that your cornea can be kept properly lubricated.

What is the problem with Vitamin A deficiency?
Vitamin A deficiency can lead to many health complications. Its most common side effect is seen in the form of eye problems. Vitamin A is an important factor in many functions of your eyes, hence due to its deficiency, you may have the problem of not seeing clearly or blindness.

Apart from the eyes, it can also cause dry, flaky, and itchy skin. Vitamin A deficiency also puts children at risk of problems related to growth and development.

What things should be consumed for Vitamin A?
The best way to avoid Vitamin A deficiency is to eat a healthy diet. Vitamin A requirements can be easily met by including some things in the daily diet. For this, the consumption of green vegetables like leafy vegetables and broccoli, and orange and yellow vegetables like carrots, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes is beneficial. Fruits like orange, mango, melon papaya, and whole grains are also rich in vitamin A.

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