The body needs many types of vitamins to stay healthy. You must often hear that Vitamin A is very important for the body. We all know that this vitamin is needed for the body to run smoothly, but no one knows what is the function of Vitamin A? What does Vitamin A do for the body that it needs so much? It is considered necessary. Today we will tell you about it in detail. Nancy Nagpal, Consultant Gynecologist of SalubritasMedcentre is giving information about this.

Why is Vitamin A important for the body?

Vitamin A is important for eyes

The biggest function of Vitamin A is to keep the eyes healthy. This is very important to keep the eyes of everyone, whether child or young or old, healthy. Vitamin A deficiency is the main cause of blindness in children. Experts say that vitamin A is needed to convert the light falling on your retina into a signal to process. When you are deficient in it, the transformation does not happen properly, which hurts eyesight. This vitamin plays a role in protecting the outer layer of the eyes and helps in maintaining the functioning of the cornea. This vitamin is responsible for maintaining good eyesight.

Vitamin A is necessary to boost immunity

Experts say that Vitamin A plays an important role in maintaining your body's natural defences. Vitamin A is essential for the production and function of white blood cells in your body which are responsible for fighting pathogens in your blood. Overall, Vitamin A is very important to boost your immunity. Vitamins A deficiency can not only increase your chances of getting sick but can also delay recovery.

Vitamin A is necessary for bones

To promote bone health, not only vitamin D and calcium are needed but vitamin A is also equally important. Doctors also say that Vitamin A is very important for the development of the fetus.

Vitamin A is necessary for these organs including skin

Vitamin A is also very important for your skin. It helps in restoring moisture in the skin helps in the healthy production of collagen. Apart from this, Vitamin A helps in maintaining the tissues of organs like the intestine, and lungs.

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