Tijori Vastu Tips: Vastu rules have been made to maintain positivity in a person's life. A vault is useful for saving one's hard-earned money. In Vastu Shastra, measures have also been given regarding the vault. For example, in which direction the vault should be kept, and in which direction the door of the vault should open. Let us know some such things, keeping in mind that your vault will never be empty.

Which direction is considered auspicious
According to Vastu Shastra, place the vault in such a way that its back side should be towards the south and the door should open towards the north. If there is a vault in the southeast corner, money is spent unnecessarily. The north direction is considered to be the direction of Kuber, the God of wealth, and Goddess Lakshmi. Money comes from this direction. That's why this direction is considered better for doing money-related work. This is the reason why it is advised to keep the vault door in the north direction.

how about the vault room
Vastu rules need to be taken care of even in the room where the vault is kept. The doors of the vault room should be in the east or north direction. This room should be square or rectangular. Also, keep in mind that the room where the safe is kept should have only one entrance. It is considered auspicious if the door of the vaulted room has two doors.

What are the rules for keeping things safe?
As far as possible, clothes, utensils, files, etc. should not be kept in the vault. Also, no picture of God should be placed in front of the vault. Don't keep a burden on the mines of money. If you keep money or valuables in the almirah, then a safe should be made in the middle or upper part of it. Scented things like spray, incense sticks, etc. should not be kept in the safe.
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