Photo Credit: Rewa Riyasat

We all know that along with dogs and cows, buffaloes, and birds, people have started keeping cats in their homes, cats are also a pet, and many people like to keep cats, but some people consider cats as a bad sign. Not only this, but the cat also comes to the house uninvited. Let us tell you that somewhere superstitions about the cat are spread in our society, which is why people consider it inauspicious, some people even consider the cat as a negative power. This is why people do not allow cats to enter their homes. Through this medium, let us tell you in detail about the auspicious and inauspicious signs related to it -

Photo Credit: Patrika

* It is inauspicious to have a cat of this color in the house:

According to Vastu Shastra, it is said that if a black cat enters your house, then it is an inauspicious sign. Please tell that when a black cat comes into the house, evil forces come, and due to its arrival, your work starts getting spoiled, besides, a black cat crossing the path or attacking it is also considered a bad sign.

* It is auspicious to have a cat of this color in the house:

It is told in Vastu Shastras that if a white-colored cat comes to your house, then it is considered auspicious. It is believed that the arrival of a white cat in the house brings positive energy and removes negative energy. When a white cat comes into the house, bad things start to happen.

Photo Credit: Rewa Riyasat

* Auspicious and inauspicious signs associated with cats:

1. If a cat gives birth to its baby in the house, it is considered an auspicious sign. It is said that due to the birth of a kitten in the house, the economic condition of your house improves, and along with it there is a possibility of auspicious work.

2. It is said in Vastu Shastra that the crying of a cat in the house or outside your house is a bad sign. It is believed that the crying of a cat means that something bad is going to happen.

3. According to Vastu Shastra, the death of a cat in the house or killing the cat itself indicates inauspiciousness.

4. According to Vastu Shastra, it is said that if cats are fighting with each other in or outside your house, it means that there may be a domestic crisis in your house.