The special importance of religious symbols has been told in our Hindu religion. These symbols are also considered very important in Vastu Shastras. You will see Om, Swastik, Kalash, etc. outside the house or outside the house of worship. In fact, according to Vastu Shastra and Hinduism, these symbols are considered a sign of happiness and prosperity along with prosperity and positivity. It is said that the religious symbols made outside or inside the housework to bring happiness to our family and due to this the Gods and Goddesses reside in our house. In fact, it has been told in the scriptures that by making these symbols, negative forces do not enter our house, let us tell you through this article, what was told about the Swastik symbol according to Vastu Shastra.

The Swastik symbol has been considered a symbol of auspiciousness in Vastu Shastra and religious texts. It is believed that the swastika symbol is made during auspicious works because by making it auspicious results are obtained in that work. Let us tell you through this article when and where making the symbol of Swastik is beneficial.

* According to Vastu Shastra, the Swastik symbol should be made in this direction:

According to Vastu Shastra, it has been told that you can make the symbol of Swastik with Haldia vermilion. If we talk about the direction of making the symbol of Swastik, then the northeast direction is considered most auspicious for this. Not only this, it has been told in Vastu Shastras that the symbol of Swastik can be made at the place of worship or even at the main door of the house. Doing this, along with getting auspicious results, also helps in removing the negative effects of Vastu-related problems. It is said that the symbol of Swastik transmits positive energy in the house.

* Keep these things in mind while making the Swastik symbol:

According to Vastu Shastra, it has been told that making the Swastik symbol at the main door of the house and in the temple helps in removing Vastu defects. According to Vastu Shastra, make the Swastik symbol with turmeric at both these places and write auspicious benefits below it. By making the Swastik symbol in this way, positive energy remains in the house and Goddess's grace also remains in your house. By making the Swastik symbol, Alakshmi does not reside in the house and Maa Lakshmi always resides in your house. While making the Swastik symbol, keep in mind that this symbol should be 9 fingers long and wide.