If you look, you will find that a large number of people still travel by public transport, but most of the people also have their own vehicles. Some go to office, college and other places by two-wheeler, while on the other hand, people also travel by four-wheeler. In such a situation, petrol has to be filled in the vehicle, but many times such cases come to light where the petrol pump owners do rigging while filling the petrol and diesel and take the full amount from the people and give less petrol and diesel. If this happens to you too or you see such fraud taking place, then if you want, you can also complain about it. From where appropriate action is also taken. So let us know where you can complain. You can know about this in the next slides...

Know this first
If you are complaining about any petrol pump, then it is investigated. In such a situation, if the petrol pump is caught rigging during the investigation, it means it is found guilty. Then in such a situation, a fine is imposed on that pump. Whereas, in many serious cases, the license of the pump may even be cancelled.

Know where you can complain about which petrol pump:-
Complain about Indian Oil Petrol Pump here

If you see rigging happening at any petrol pump of Indian Oil, you can complain. For this, you have to call toll-free number 18002333555.

HP petrol pump
If you want to complain about any HP petrol pump, then for this you can call the toll-free helpline number 1800-2333-555. By registering your complaint here, you can get proper help.

Apart from the toll-free number, you can also register your complaint through the official website of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. For this, you have to go to this pgportal.gov.in portal.

(PC: iStock)