Whenever you use your Aadhaar card anywhere, a history is created which contains information about where your Aadhaar was used and for what purpose. From this history, you can get information about where No one else is using your Aadhar card. From this history, you can find out where your Aadhar card has been used. Let us tell you how to check it online…

First of all, you go to the uidai website https://uidai.gov.in/. Here you will see the option of 'Aadhaar Authentication History' on which you have to click. You will see this option in the My Aadhaar section. Apart from this, you can go directly by clicking on this link https://resident.uidai.gov.in/aadhaar-auth-history.

After this, you will be asked for your Aadhaar number. Now enter your 12-digit Aadhaar number and then enter the security captcha and click on send OTP. After this, an OTP will come on your mobile number registered with Aadhaar.

After submitting the OTP, you will get complete information about when and where your Aadhar card was used, although this record will be available only for the last six months.

After getting this record, you will be able to check whether the history has been used by you or not. Whenever you have used Aadhaar, you must be aware of it.

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