Periods means menstruation is a special cycle in the life of every woman. Due to this, a woman gets the happiness of motherhood. During this, bad blood comes out from the body of women. Periods have an important role in maintaining women's health. Many times women get very worried about their menstruation because their period does not come even after the time is over. Irregular periods can sometimes result in heavy bleeding, while sometimes there is little or no bleeding. It affects health. In such a situation, some things present in the kitchen can prove to be beneficial for you, due to which the stopped period will come and you will not have any problem. Let's know about them...

# Dry ginger and celery
If the periods are not open, drink lukewarm turmeric milk with half a teaspoon of celery at night while sleeping. With this, you will start getting periods properly. Apart from this, add 1/4 teaspoon dry ginger and 1/4 teaspoon celery to jaggery and take it with lukewarm milk containing turmeric. Periods will start coming more freely than this.

# Ginger
Ginger is one of the most powerful remedies to bring periods. It gets extremely hot. Although it can also have side effects. Ginger produces gas. However, if your periods have been delayed a lot, you can try a tea made of carom seeds and ginger. This will get your job done.

# Coriander Coriander
Coriander is very helpful in bringing stopped periods of women. Boil one spoon of coriander in two cups of water. When the water remains in one cup, turn off the gas and filter it well. Consume this water thrice a day. If you keep consuming it regularly, it will be very effective in bringing menstruation. From time immemorial women have been using this recipe to regulate menstruation.