Joints Pain-Arthritis Treatment: If you are overweight or uric acid is increasing rapidly in your body, then raw papaya is going to prove to be a panacea for you. Just know the right way to eat it, the time and the proportion.

As soon as uric acid increases in the body, the problem of joint pain or arthritis starts. If uric acid is not controlled in time, it turns into arthritis and then gives unbearable pain from walking to getting up and sitting. But here we will tell you about the benefits of raw papaya which can eliminate your problem from the root.

Know the quality of raw papaya
Raw papaya is rich in antioxidants and minerals. The amount of calories in it is also less. It is rich in vitamin C, folate and vitamin E and all these three work like medicines to reduce uric acid. So let's know more benefits of papaya and what is the right way to eat it.

Make papaya juice
If you want to control uric acid immediately, then you must drink at least one glass of raw papaya juice every morning. If you want, you can also mix lemon or honey in it. Stale mouth in uric acid, drinking it will be of great benefit. Helps in reducing extra calories.

Eat as a vegetable
If you make a habit of eating it in the form of a vegetable, then it will prove to be even more beneficial. While making this, add fenugreek and asafoetida to it and cook it with turmeric and salt.