If there is a pet in the house, then life seems very pleasant. If there is a dog in the house, the whole day is spent playing with it. If you come back from the office, he is happier than your family members. Irrespective of any breed of dog, some of its habits remain the same. He'll love playing with you, he'll love the attention, he'll be upset when you leave, and he'll love the meal and walk time. But did you know that some dogs have more distinct habits than others?

Do you know that dogs' noses act as their fingerprints? No no! Today we are going to tell you many things related to pet dogs.

1. A dog's nose is its fingerprint

Just as humans have different fingerprints, dogs have different nose prints. They also change according to the breed and also according to their age. It is called Snoot. In many dog ​​shows, along with the dog's complete height health, their nose is also seen.

2. 30% of Dalmatians are deaf in one ear

The Dalmatian is a very popular breed in India as well. They carry an extreme piebald gene. This is the reason that their coat is white and their eyes are black or blue. Dalmatian dogs that have small dark patches are deaf in one ear. Those with larger dark patches are less likely to be deaf. Most Dalmatian dogs are born with this gene.

3. World's oldest dog breed

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the Saluki dog breed is the oldest. According to records, this breed was kept by Egyptian royals as their pet dogs in 329 BC. Paintings of were found in southern Iraq dating back to 7000BC of Saluki-like dogs.

4. Dogs have three eyelids

Many dog ​​owners are not even aware of this, but dogs have three eyelids. Their innermost eyelid is called haw, due to which their eyelids remain moist.

5. Deadliest Hunter

The world's most dreaded hound dog is the African Hunter. Its speed is very fast. If they are going to do the hunting, then 70% of the time they will be successful. These dogs are very loyal. But they should be treated very gently. These dogs are ferocious and can even hunt humans.

6. These dogs have a black tongue

No-no, we are not talking about bad omens here. We are talking about the black tongue. Dogs of the Chow Chow and Shar-Peis breeds have black tongues. There is no information about why they have a black tongue.

7. This dog is faster than a leopard

By the way, we have been hearing this fact since childhood that the cheetah is the fastest animal. But in a real sense, if a race between a cheetah and a greyhound takes place, then the greyhound can beat the cheetah in a long race. However, the greyhound needs time to catch up to this speed. Cheetah is very fast, but they can maintain their speed only for 200-300 meters and at most 400 meters. But the greyhound can run very well in long races.


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