The way our body is different from each other, in the same way, the blood group is also different in everyone. Even children can have a different blood group from their parents. Health experts say the composition of blood varies between individuals. There are mainly four types of blood groups – A, B, AB, and O.

Researchers found that our blood type depends on which antigens are on the surface of our red blood cells. However, it doesn't matter much what your blood group is.

Although some studies say that people with certain blood groups may have special qualities. For example, in one study, researchers reported that people who have blood group O are more likely to die than people with other blood groups. After all, what is the logic behind this, let us understand further in detail.

Characteristics of blood group O
Blood group O is special in some cases, it is also considered a universal donor group. That is, if your blood group is O, then you can donate blood to people with any other blood group. At the time of accidents, when the same blood group is not found, then the life of any patient can be saved by giving blood of blood group O.

But in studies about how this blood group can be beneficial for you, researchers have shown many benefits. According to research, people with blood group O have a lower risk of heart disease, certain types of cancer, malaria, etc. Thus, the life expectancy of such people can be higher.

Preventing the risk of heart diseases
The team of researchers found that people with the Type O group have a relatively low risk of heart disease and blood clots, although such people may be more susceptible to bleeding or bleeding disorders. In the study, scientists found that people with type A and B blood groups had a 51% higher risk of developing deep vein thrombosis and a 47% higher risk of pulmonary embolism, compared to those with type O. These are serious blood clotting disorders that can also increase the risk of heart failure.

Protection against certain types of cancer
Similarly, people with the O blood group have a lower risk of stomach cancer than A, AB, and B people. In particular, people with type A blood are more likely to develop colon cancer. Researchers think this may be because people with type A blood are more susceptible to H. pylori infection. This is a bacteria that is commonly found in the stomach and can cause inflammation ulcers.

Less risk of stress
Stress increases the level of the hormone cortisol in your body. Researchers found that people with type-A blood may have higher levels of cortisol, so they may have a harder time dealing with stressful situations. While its risk is less in people with Type-O. The problem of stress is also considered to increase many serious diseases. Long-term stress can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.

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