Winter season gives relief from summer but the risk of infections and diseases increases in this season. Immunity becomes a little weak. This is the reason why during this time it is advised to consume such food items which provide warmth to the body. In such a situation, nothing can be better than turmeric for you. By consuming it the body remains warm. Its medicinal properties do not let you suffer from diseases. Today we will give you information about four ways to consume turmeric in your diet so that you can get maximum benefits.

Include turmeric in your diet in winter in this way

Turmeric tea

Drinking turmeric tea can also be a good option. To make turmeric tea, add a cup of water, half a teaspoon of turmeric, a little black pepper, and a piece of ginger in a saucepan and boil it. Now add half a spoonful of honey in it and consume it.

Turmeric soup

Soup is consumed a lot during the winter season. You must add turmeric to bottled gourd, spinach or broccoli soup. This will also boost immunity and the body will feel warm.

Turmeric and basil decoction

You can consume a decoction of turmeric and basil. To prepare the decoction, add half a teaspoon of turmeric, 8 to 10 basil leaves and a piece of ginger in a cup of water. Boil all the things, prepare the decoction and consume it twice a day. Turmeric and basil have anti-inflammatory, anti-virus, and antifungal properties which increase immunity and reduce the risk of infection. This also makes your skin glow.

Turmeric milk

You can consume turmeric milk. This also boosts immunity. It also provides relief from body pain in winter. To make turmeric milk, mix half a teaspoon of turmeric and a little jaggery in a glass of hot milk and consume it.

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