We include fruits and vegetables in our diet because we know how beneficial they are for our health. However, everyone's way of eating fruits and vegetables is different. Some like to eat more fruits, while others include vegetables in their diet. But it would not be wrong at all to say that the more colourful the plate is, the healthier it will be.

Yes, we are talking about purple foods, which can be included in your diet. Although there are many foods of this colour, it would be better if you include blueberries, blueberries, grapes, beetroot or purple cabbage in your diet. Antioxidants are found in abundance in these foods, which not only protect you from diseases but also make your skin glow.

If you want to make your skin glow, then we are telling you about some such foods as suggested by Dr. Gulbahar Ansari (BUMS), which can be included. Doctor Gulbahar Ansari told us that purple-coloured foods are very beneficial for the skin, which protect your skin from radical damage and help keep your skin young.

Eat purple grapes to get glowing skin

Grapes are rich in Vitamin C. If you eat them daily, the skin remains healthy. Lycopene is also found in grapes, which provides moisture to the skin. A study conducted in 2021 by researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham's Department of Dermatology had 19 people consume dried grape powder for 14 days.

Researchers found that about 74.8 percent growth was seen in the skin of these people. If you also want to make your skin glow, then include purple grapes in your diet. Surely you will benefit.

Include beetroot to get glowing skin

It is rich in antioxidants like iron, vitamins A and C, potassium and magnesium and fiber. All these elements affect digestion as well as skin health. Additionally, beetroot is rich in iron, which helps in providing proper oxygenation to the blood. Beetroot rich in iron strengthens the body from within.

Apart from this, the consumption of beetroot is good for brain health and provides a source of good nutrients for memory power. The choline present in it helps in enhancing memory. If you want to make your skin glow, then try eating beetroot or drinking juice daily.

Eating passion fruit will keep your skin forever young.

Antioxidants play an important role in keeping the skin healthy and young. Whereas passion fruit contains many antioxidants like vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin, and carotene. These antioxidants reduce the production of free radicals in our bodies.

Free radicals are produced by our body's cells as a byproduct and can cause skin ageing. In such a situation, the anti-inflammatory properties of passion fruit work to soothe our skin.

Brinjal is beneficial for the skin

Brinjal contains abundant amounts of fibre, vitamins, minerals, etc., which not only keep the skin hydrated but also protect the dull skin from sun rays. Brinjal can be used to maintain natural moisture or to remove any type of itching on the skin.

In such a situation, mix honey, aloe vera juice and brinjal paste and apply it on the face. Wash the face after 10 minutes. Now cool the face with the help of ice cubes. Then wash your face. By doing this the natural moisture will return.

To get all these benefits, you should also include these foods in your diet.

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