In this busy life, we you often forget something or the other, like forgetting some work or keeping some stuff, it is a habit of all of us. And this is normal too. But just imagine what would happen if you suddenly forget your home, family, work, and loved ones. Many people experience this also. Such symptoms are seen in Alzheimer's patients. World Alzheimer's Day is being celebrated today on the 21st September. On this occasion, we will tell you all the things related to this disease.

Dr. Anuradha H., Consultant Neurology, Aster CMI Hospital is giving information about this.

What is Alzheimer's disease?

Alzheimer's is an age-related neurodegenerative disorder and affects many brain functions, including memory. Not being able to remember is its initial symptoms. This is mainly due to shrinkage of the brain. In this condition, the symptoms develop slowly over time and become severe later on. Every year a theme of World Alzheimer's Day is kept to make people aware. This year the theme of Alzheimer's Day is Never Too Early, Never Too Late. This theme is emphasizing ways to identify and avoid symptoms as soon as possible to prevent this disease.

What are the early symptoms of Alzheimer's

  • Change in social behavior
  • Distance from social activities
  • Lose track of time
  • Anger and irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating, thinking, and reasoning
  • Unable to make any decision
  • Difficulty completing daily tasks. like cooking
  • Impaired ability to work independently
  • Forgetting immediate events
  • lose one's way while out and about
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Difficulty recognizing people

What to do to prevent Alzheimer's?

According to experts, some studies have revealed that you can prevent this disease by following the right lifestyle. Let us know

  • Be physically active by making exercise, meditation, walking etc. a part of your routine.
  • Develop hobbies like gardening, book reading, listening to songs, and playing puzzle games.
  • Stay away from alcohol and smoking.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Spending time with friends keeps the heart happy and the brain works properly.
  • Make sure to get adequate sleep of 8 hours.

Experts say that if you feel that your memory has declined and you are regularly forgetting your everyday tasks, then you should visit your doctor and get tested for Alzheimer's disease.

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