Menopause is a natural process that every woman has to go through one day or the other. As it approaches, many changes start appearing in women's bodies. Due to hormonal fluctuations, internal problems increase in the body, such as a Decrease in bone density, the feeling of lack of energy, and hot flashes etc., its effects are also visible on the skin, the skin becomes thin, wrinkles start appearing and dark pigmentation starts appearing on the skin. If you are also worried about these problems occurring during menopause, then we are telling you some solutions from experts with the help of which you can take care of the screen. Health expert LavnatiBatra is giving information.

Take care of your skin with these tips during menopause

  • During menopause, collagen in the body starts decreasing due to which dryness in the skin increases. Natural oil starts decreasing. When cheeks start becoming loose, women should include Vitamin C-rich foods in their diet. Eating all these fruits like oranges, grapes, and kiwi helps in increasing collagen.
  • Try to get enough sleep. Due to less sleep, the elasticity of the skin is affected. When a person sleeps deeply, the skin starts repairing itself and produces collagen, which helps in glowing the screen.
  • During menopause, the production of estrogen and progesterone hormones decreases in the body, which causes problems like anxiety, depression, and mood swings, in such a situation, meditation should be done to restrict stress. Reducing stress makes the skin healthy and glowing.
  • It is important to do regular exercise during menopause. Exercising keeps you physically active, reduces stress and helps in getting good sleep.
  • During this period, take full care of hydration. Apart from water, you must include fruit juices in your diet, this provides relief from hot flashes and also keeps the skin glowing.

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