Tips To Lighten Dark Feet: Along with the beauty of the face, the beauty of the feet also matters, but often the blackness of the feet becomes a cause of embarrassment for us. To make the feet look clear, many types of treatments are taken, expensive pedicures are done. There are, but still it does not have much effect on it. In such a situation, today we are telling you some home remedies, which neither cost a lot of money nor do they cause any side effects, and also reduce the blackness of the feet more easily.

Oatmeal, rose water and milk
Rose water
raw milk

How to use?
To remove the blackness of the feet, put ground oatmeal in a bowl.
Now add about one-fourth cup of raw milk to it.
Add about one teaspoon of rose water to it.
Mix these three well and apply on the feet.
Massage your feet with light hands for about 5 to 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, when this paste dries, clean your feet with the help of water.
Using it twice a week can give you better results

Benefits of applying oatmeal pack

Antioxidants are present in oatmeal, which helps in deep cleaning the skin and can also remove tanning, while rose water acts as a toner. It helps in removing blackness. Talking about raw milk, it helps in making your skin soft. It contains a lot of vitamin A, due to which it works to give moisture to the skin.

Orange peel pack
The blackness of the feet can also be easily removed by using orange peel. Dry its peels and grind them. Now add milk to this powder and make a thick paste. Apply this paste on your feet and leave it for 10 minutes. After that wash your feet with normal water. Using it regularly will increase the shine of the feet. Blackness can be removed.

Potato juice
Potato can be used not only for eating but also for enhancing beauty. To remove the blackness of the feet with potato juice, grate the potato and take out the juice. Now apply this juice on the feet for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash your feet with lukewarm water and apply moisturizer on it. This can also remove the blackness of the feet.