Meera, a college-going girl, suffered from migraines almost every day and thought it was normal. She probably didn't drink enough water, but she also had an imbalance of Vata and Pitta, which got aggravated due to the pressure of college. This problem bothers many people like Meera and people keep looking for ways to avoid it. That's why today we are telling you about 3 such powerful measures that can help you avoid it.

The information about these remedies has been shared by Ayurveda and gut health coach Dr Dimple through his Instagram. He wrote in the caption, 'Migraine is caused by an imbalance of both Vata (air) and Pitta (fire) in the body. This is called Suryavarta in Ayurveda, which means suffering or obstruction of the Sun.

''Migraine problems often mimic the cycle of the sun, increasing during peak hours and subsiding in the evening. It may be different for some people. Migraines are caused by overstimulation of the brain and blood vessels and cause symptoms such as headache, nausea, and sensitivity to light and even sound. These are the top 3 remedies that will help in reducing the symptoms of migraine.

Pulse purification

It is also known as alternate nostril breathing. Close your right nostril (which represents the Sun) with your right finger and inhale slowly and slowly through only your left nostril (the Moon, which represents the cold part of our body) for at least 5 minutes. Inhale deeply and release. Repeat this exercise every hour. It helps to calm the brain and nervous system and reduce body heat.

Some wet stuff

Soak 5 almonds and 5 black raisins together and consume them the next morning. The magnesium found in almonds helps to protect your body from headaches by relaxing the blood vessels. Soaked raisins when consumed continuously for 12 weeks, help in reducing overall excess pitta (fire) in the body as well as aggravated vata (wind) and helps in reducing acidity, nausea, burning sensation, one-sided Soothes all the symptoms associated with migraine like headache, intolerance to heat.

Soak 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds in a glass of water and drink it on an empty stomach the next morning. Coriander is used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine to infuse hot water and steam fresh seeds to relieve sinus pressure and headaches. Coriander seeds can be chewed and used in food or boiled in tea.

You can soak sweet basil seeds (sabja) in a bottle of water and drink them throughout the day.

Breathing exercises

Your advice about breathing exercises is correct. Meera suffered from terrible migraines for most of her life, until she realized that migraines started when she had a blocked nose and the pain was on the side of the blocked nose. As soon as she noticed a problem, she started breathing exercises and opening her nostrils. Since then she has been able to keep migraines away.

Deep breathing techniques

Several deep breathing techniques can help prevent or manage migraine pain. Try them to find what works best for you. You can choose from two techniques for deep rhythmic breathing.

First technique

Begin by taking deep breaths for the count of ten.

Then you slowly exhale for 10 counts.

Second technique

Place both hands on your navel and focus on breathing at that point.

Take a deep breath through your nose and feel your lungs slowly expand as you count to five in your head.

Exhale slowly through the nose and count to five.

Repeat the cycle for five to ten minutes.

You too can get relief from migraine with the help of these tips. You can also use nasya to overcome these problems.

Image credit: Freepik


Your skin and body are as different as you are. We endeavour to bring you correct, safe and expert-verified information through our articles and social media handles, but still, you must consult your doctor before trying any home remedy, hack or fitness tip.