Four to five days of periods are very difficult. Along with pain and cramps, women also have a lot of mood swings. He keeps getting irritable, angry and emotional on every issue. This happens due to hormonal changes. In such a situation, you cannot control these hormonal changes, but with the help of some measures, you can control mood swings. Let us know what measures can be useful to avoid mood swings.

How to control period mood swings?

Stay hydrated

Keep yourself as hydrated as possible during periods. This reduces bloating. When you drink more water, blood flow improves and this provides relief from cramps.

Eat healthy fats

You can consume healthy fats during periods. Eggs, avocados, and nuts, all are excellent sources of healthy fats. This helps in reducing inflammation and also boosts your mood.

Magnesium Rich Foods

It helps in relaxing your muscles. Magnesium can make you feel emotionally calm and happy. For this, you can consume food items like bananas, nuts, and avocados.

Make body movements

To control mood swings, you can exercise during periods. If you are troubled by a lot of pain. If you are feeling very weak, you can dance to any of your favourite songs. By doing this endorphins are released. This is a feel-good hormone that can improve your mood.

Try to sleep

During periods, when you are not feeling well, try to sleep for some time. When you sleep, the serotonin hormone gets boosted. This makes the body feel very relaxed. You feel refreshed and light.

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