Becoming a mother is the greatest happiness in the world for every woman. This is a very beautiful feeling. However, due to some mistakes, women initially face difficulty in conceiving, while some start facing many problems after conceiving, like high BP, diabetes, complications in pregnancy, etc. In such a situation, through this article, we are telling you how to prepare yourself for pregnancy so that your pregnancy journey becomes easy. Health expert Sheenam. K is giving detailed information about this.

According to experts, women who are preparing for family planning should always keep these four things in mind:

First- Consume complex carbs

Experts say that for a safe pregnancy, women should avoid consuming simple carbs. If you consume simple carbs, it can cause insulin resistance which can lead to gestational diabetes. Women should include foods rich in protein and complex carbs in their diet. Experts say that complex carbs have a low glycemic index. It gets digested slowly and you get a regular supply of energy. This also reduces the risk of diabetes.

Second- Get BMI checked

Women must get their BMI checked before conceiving. If your weight is more than your height then you may face problems. Overweight women have higher levels of leptin hormone. Due to this, the chances of hormonal imbalance are very high. This affects fertility and you may have difficulty conceiving.

Third- intake of vitamins and minerals

You have to take care that you are consuming the right amount of vitamins and minerals. With this, your body will have the right amount of iron, folic acid, zinc, and vitamin D which is very important for a healthy egg. This will make it easier for you to conceive

Fourth- Do not use plastic

Women should avoid using plastic to conceive. One should avoid drinking water in plastic bottles, and avoid eating food in plastic utensils because this plastic can cause hormonal imbalance and can also cause infertility. You may face difficulty in conceiving.

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