Very few people know about circular journeys. If you travel by train every day, then you should know about this ticket. This is because this ticket can benefit you in many ways.

With the help of this one ticket, you can travel to many places for free. In today's article, we will give you detailed information about the circular journey.

Circular journey ticket gives free travel at how many stations?

With the help of this station, you can travel for free on 8 stations. You need to buy only one ticket for this.

For how many days is this ticket valid?

This ticket remains valid for 56 days. There is a way to do this experiment, which everyone has to follow. Because with the ticket of this train, you can travel for free to 8 stations on the way of the same train.

Suppose you are going from Delhi to Mumbai, then you can stay at 8 stations in between this station for 56 days. You will not need a new ticket to come back to Delhi.

You can also return with the same ticket. Keep in mind that this ticket will be valid only when your journey ends from where it started. If the journey has started from Delhi, then you will have to end the journey in Delhi itself.

How to book a circular journey ticket?

The process of booking circular journey tickets is a bit lengthy. To book it, you first have to decide which 8 stations you want to stop.

  • After making complete preparations for your journey, you will have to contact the station's divisional commercial manager.
  • Station officials will decide the price of tickets based on your journey.
  • After this, they will give you a form, which you can show at the ticket booking office at the station and get the ticket.
  • After purchasing the circular journey ticket, you will have to contact the reservation office to travel to different stations. Once you have collected the ticket fee, you will not have to pay charges for travelling to a different station.

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