In the summer months, the skin has to face many problems. One of these is the problem of heat rash. Heat rash, also known as heat rash in common language, can be caused by excessive sweating. When the blockage of sweat glands and ducts obstructs the secretion of sweat. Due to this sweat goes back into the dermis and epidermis, which can cause redness and itchy rash on the skin.

Many things can trigger the problem of heat rash. For example, frequent exposure to the sun, wearing tight clothes and hot weather etc. When a heat rash occurs, a person feels very uncomfortable. However, there are many such tips, by adopting which you can easily prevent heat rash. So, today in this article, we are telling you about some such easy measures, which will help you in avoiding heat rash-

Drink enough water

The main reason behind heat rash is excessive sweating, which does not evaporate properly. When it gets trapped under the skin, it can cause heat rashes. Hence, drink plenty of water to prevent your body temperature from rising. Apart from this, you should consume body-cooling drinks like coconut water, buttermilk, cucumber juice etc. This reduces the risk of getting a heat rash. Not only this but if your body is naturally hot or sweats excessively, then try to stay in a ventilated or cool place.

Avoid sun exposure

The sun is very strong during summer and if you are directly exposed to the sun during peak sun hours, it not only increases the body temperature and causes excessive sweating, but also causes heat rash. Hence, stay indoors during peak sun hours. With this, you can avoid heat rashes.

Focus on clothes

If you sweat a lot and because of that you are facing the problem of heat rash, then pay special attention to your clothes. For example, you should wear clothes that absorb your sweat easily, such as cotton etc. These are not only soft on the skin, but also reduce the chances of heat rash to a great extent.

Take a shower

Generally, after a workout session, the body temperature increases to a great extent. In this case, take a shower to reduce the body heat. In addition, gently exfoliate your entire body once a week to prevent clogged pores. When you do this, sweat does not get trapped in the pores and the chances of getting heat rashes are also reduced to a great extent. So now you too follow these easy tips and save yourself from heat rash in summer.

Image Credit – freepik