Many people are troubled by itching in the eyebrows. If eyebrow itching is always there, then there can be many reasons for this. If itching becomes severe or chronic or bothers you for several days. Persistent itching can cause the skin to peel, turn red, and even distort the shape of the eyebrows. Usually in winter, itchiness occurs in the eyebrows due to excessive dryness of the skin. Apart from this, eczema, eyebrow dandruff, and psoriasis can also cause itching in your eyebrows. If the itching is severe, a dermatologist should be consulted. But if it is normal then you can get relief by using some home remedies.

Remedies to get relief from itching and burning:-

Moisturizing the eyebrows is most important. Sometimes, it is just dryness that causes dandruff or flaky skin. Tea tree essential oil is great for skin problems including itching. If you think it could be an infection or inflammation, mix one drop of tea tree essential oil with one teaspoon of olive oil and massage your eyebrows with it. This will reduce the itching and help with any fungal or bacterial infection that is causing the itching. Do not use more than one or two drops of essential oil at a time as excessive use may cause skin irritation.

Wear sunscreen
Eyebrows can also become a victim of sunburn when exposed to direct sunlight. Thus, you should apply sunscreen on your eyebrows along with other areas of the face. Also, use water-based sun protection to hydrate the skin.

Using lemon juice for dead skin
Itching in the eyebrows can be due to dandruff or dead skin cells. Lemon juice should be used as an exfoliant to eliminate dead cells and reduce inflammation. Mix half a teaspoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of coconut or olive oil. Apply this oil on your eyebrows and keep it for 30 minutes and then wash it. You can do this remedy twice a day till all the itching and discomfort is gone.

Do not touch eyebrows frequently
Many people often have the habit of touching their eyebrows. This can be a reason for itching. Many times when we touch our eyebrows with dirty hands, the bacteria present in them can cause infection of the eyebrows. If not treated on time, it can also cause fungal infections. Therefore, avoid touching your skin.

(PC: Freepik)