The occasion of engagement and marriage is very special for any girl or boy. Although this occasion is of special importance for two families, the boy and the girl dream a lot about this special occasion related to their life. Girls start preparing much in advance. They have many ideas in their mind, from where to get engaged, what will be the theme, and what will be the outfit, for to cake, and performance.

However, when the time comes to make preparations, the plans they have made do not happen as they have made. This leads to dreams or hopes getting shattered. To avoid such a situation in your engagement, and to ensure that the plans you have made are fulfilled on the ground, keep some things in mind.

How to prepare for engagement
Communicate: You do the preparations but later due to some reason or the other, things do not happen as you have thought. One reason for this is a lack of communication.

Prepare together with your partner: The engagement is not only yours but also your partner's. Just like you have made many plans, maybe they have also made some plans. So, before preparing for the engagement, talk to them. Decide together what kind of outfit to wear to the engagement, what will be the theme, what will be the decoration, or do both of you have to perform? Prepare accordingly.

Do not impose your ideas on your partner: Do not impose your ideas or dreams on your partner, but respect each other's ideas. Like, if you want to wear western clothes in the engagement but your partner wants to wear an Indian outfit, then find some middle option. Do not force them. Make each other's choice your own.

Care for the families: Such ceremonies are not limited to the boy and the girl only, families are also involved in it. Many times, girls choose such outfits for their engagement that are not liked by their in-laws. In-laws also give their opinion. Often girls consider this as their dreams being shattered.

There are two ways for them, either to suppress their desires and accept the choice of the in-laws or to forget the feelings of the in-laws and do what they want. Both situations can become the reason for discord later. Therefore, before preparing for the engagement, talk to your in-laws or try to know the preferences of their family through your life partner so that you can coordinate their preferences with yours.

(PC: Freepik)