Today World Thyroid Awareness Day is being celebrated. Thyroid Day is celebrated every year on 25 May. This day is celebrated to spread awareness about the prevention of thyroid disease. Thyroid cases are continuously increasing in many countries including India. According to a report in Public Health Update, globally more than 200 million people are suffering from thyroid and 50% of these cases are undiagnosed. Common symptoms of the thyroid include weight gain or loss. Thyroid problems can be caused due to many reasons like an unhealthy lifestyle and an unhealthy diet. Prevent thyroid, its prevention and treatment are told on the occasion of World Thyroid Awareness Day. Let us know how and when the celebration of this day started. And what is the theme and importance of World Thyroid Awareness Day 2023?

What is a thyroid?
The thyroid is a small gland located in the neck that secretes many essential hormones. These hormones are essential for metabolism, body temperature, and growth. But increasing or decreasing thyroid levels can cause damage to the body. Thyroid disorders can be caused by iodine deficiency.

When is Thyroid Awareness Day celebrated?
World Thyroid Awareness Day is observed every year on 25 May. Celebrating this day started in the year 2008 when the European Thyroid Association proposed to celebrate Thyroid Awareness Day.

Why is Thyroid Day celebrated only on 25th May?
Celebrating Thyroid Awareness Day started after the proposal of the European Thyroid Association. ETA officially adopted May 25 as Thyroid Day. This is the reason that the European Thyroid Association was established in 1965 on May 25.

The theme of World Thyroid Awareness Day
The theme for World Thyroid Day 2023 is 'Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer'.