Nowadays, to get a job, most people first do a course and then do a good profile job. Due to this, the person's post not only increases but also gets a good salary. At the same time, when people get to experience, then they join another company of their choice. When you join a company, the HR department there asks for many types of documents from you. For example, experience letter from an old company, salary slip, bank account information etc. At the same time, now many companies also collect information about you by calling your old company or through other means. But do you know what documents you should take from HR when you join a company? Probably not, but this is also your right. So let us know in this news what are these documents. You can know about these in detail further…

These are the documents that you should ask from HR:-
Offer letter

Whenever you join a company, the first two documents you should take are the offer letter. This is given to you when a company finds you suitable for the post. This is the first official document given to the employee by any company. Therefore, do not forget to take it, because many companies seem to avoid giving it to their employees.

Appointment letter
At the same time, the second document that you should take from the company at the time of joining is the appointment letter. It is given to the employee when the candidate accepts the offer letter and confirms that he wants to do the job. If a company does not give you this letter, then you should not join the company without it. First, take this letter and only then it is considered better to join any company.

I Card
When you join a company, then the company issues you an ID card. If your company is not giving you this, then you can ask for this from them and this is your right. You work in a company, what is your position? Other information becomes clear from this. So don't forget to take it.

Salary slip
The company is paying you salary every month, the proof of this is your salary slip coming every month. Whenever you join any company, ask for these documents from your HR department after the release of your salary every month. Salary slip is issued by the accounting department and it is very useful for you in future.

Other information including PF number
At the same time, after joining the company, if you are eligible, your PF account is also opened. In such a situation, take your PF number and keep checking whether the company is depositing this money in your account or not. Apart from this, also take other documents including ESI, and medical insurance, so that you do not face any problems in the future.

(PC: iStock)