When a person shifts to a new place, he has to manage many things and also has to see how much money is required to live there. If these things also come to your mind, then let us tell you about a country where you will get 71 lakh rupees to live.

Where is this country?

Ireland has started a unique program. According to this program, 80 thousand Euros i.e. about 71 lakh rupees will be given to the people who shift here. This program will give a lot of economic incentives to those who want to settle here. The Government of Ireland has also given some main reasons behind this program. According to the program, 30 island communities are included, which are not connected by bridges and have no adjacent coast.

Who will get Rs 71 lakh?

The Government of Ireland wants that people should be settled on the sparsely populated or deserted islands located in Ireland so that everyone can connect with nature. Helping communities living on these 30 islands, which are not connected to the mainland, is also part of the programme. The Government of Ireland will give 80,000 euros i.e. a total of 71 lakh rupees to the new residents settling on the islands.

According to the program, residents must buy a property on the islands that were built before 1993 and have been vacant for at least two years. Funds provided by the government can be used for construction works such as installing insulation and decoration.

These special things are in Ireland

If you are interested in coming to these islands of Ireland, the application process for this will start on 1st July. Ireland is such a tourist place, where you will get to see many colours of the world in one place. The special thing is that there is not much crowd here. Some of the most important historical sites and monuments in County Meath Ireland are located in the Boyne Valley. The Ring of Kerry is the Ireland identity for many people around the world. Here you will find ancient monuments, palaces, gardens and colourful towns and villages.

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