When having periods, attention should be paid to every small and big thing. From hygiene to diet, everything is important. You should know what you should and should not do during periods. Otherwise, other problems may occur. We have spoken to DrAnupamaGyotra on this subject. Let us know from them only what should not be done during periods.

Don't eat junk foods

It is common to have food cravings during periods, but this does not mean that you should eat anything. Do not consume junk foods at all when having periods. This can increase the pain instead of reducing it. So stay away from oily and deep-fried foods. Junk food contains high amounts of sugar and sugar, which can cause bloating and other problems. The pain increases due to swelling in the stomach.


Do you also have unbearable pain during periods? So do you take medicine? You should not do this. Painkillers reduce the pain, but every time you take medicine, you may have trouble. Constipation, vomiting and feeling tired can occur due to eating the medicine. Because of this, you will get more trouble during periods.

Don't skip miles

Hunger is not detected due to pain in periods. In such a situation, often women do not eat 3 times meals. Especially skips breakfast. You should not do this. During periods, the body needs essential nutrients, so that the body gets energy. That's why you must have breakfast. Eat protein and iron-rich foods for breakfast. Iron will work to increase blood in the body.

Some tips

  • You should eat less salt when you have periods. Consumption of salt can increase the pain. Therefore, do not include such foods in your diet, in which a high amount of salt is found.
  • Do you also not exercise during periods? This is a myth. Exercising during periods is beneficial, but keep in mind that heavy workouts should not be done. Yoga poses like Bhadrasana, Balasana and UttanaShishosana work to provide relief from pain.
  • The same pad should not be used for a long time. Doing this can cause infection in the vagina. Change pads every 3-4 hours. You can also use a menstrual cup instead of pads. This reduces the chances of infection.
  • Smoking and alcohol should not be consumed during periods. Drinking alcohol makes the body feel tired. Not only this, but the pain can also increase.
  • Drink water at this time. Do keep the body hydrated. The body gets tired easily due to dehydration.
  • Also, clean the vagina. Do not use any harsh chemical product for this. Clean the vagina only with lukewarm water. Do not use soap at all. This can cause burning and itching in the vagina.

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