Talking about the tourist places of India, every state is known for its diversity where you get to experience different types of tourism. Now when it comes to tourism, it is bound to be about food which is also a part of tourism. Today in this episode we are going to talk about the food of Sikkim, a beautiful state of India. Sikkim is known for its natural beauty as well as delicious food. Sikkimese food is simple and delicious in its own way. Bhutan, Tibet and Nepal bordering Sikkim have a significant influence on Sikkimese cuisine. Today we are going to tell you about the main and famous food of Sikkim. Let's know about it...

#Gundruk Soup
Gundruk soup has its origins in Nepal but is one of the staple foods of Sikkim. Gunduk soup is a fermented vegetable soup made from mustard, cabbage or radish leaves. The people of Sikkim make this dish in an earthen pot. The soup is rich in roughage and helps in maintaining the metabolism of the body.

If you are visiting the Indian state of Sikkim, don't miss out on Thukpa! This Sikkimese dish, a delicious noodle soup made in the eastern regions of Tibet, is sure to tickle your tastebuds. This delicious dish is not only available in street vendors but in almost every restaurant in the state. In addition to the spicy flavour, the noodle soup contains chopped onions and green chillies. You have the option of making this recipe vegetarian or non-vegetarian. Instead of chopped vegetables, you can include red meat and eggs.

#Sinky Soup
Sinki soup is a traditional Sikkimese dish, similar to gundruk soup, but made from radish taproot. These radish roots are cut and put in a hole covered with straw. The bacteria then remain covered by vegetation and soil for about a month to perform their action. It is then dried in the sun and can be stored for up to a year and used in soups. It can also be applied in the form of pickles and eaten with paranthas. P.C Social media