Stomach diseases have become common due to the present-day lifestyle and food habits. It is seen many people face the problem of constipation and keep getting upset due to it throughout the day. When it continues for a long time, it becomes fatal for the body. In such a situation, people start taking medicines whereas even without medicines, this problem can be overcome. Yes, you can take the help of asanas, yoga and exercise. Today, in this episode, we are going to tell you some asanas to remove the problem of constipation, which can be included in the daily routine and get relief. So let's know about these asanas...

This asana also removes gas and constipation as well as abdominal pain. By doing this regularly, it is beneficial for almost all diseases of the stomach, in this asana, lying on the ground, you have to bend your knees till near the chest, it strengthens the digestive system.

This asana is very simple and beneficial. This asana is so easy that even children do not find it difficult to do it, although this asana reduces the tension of the stomach. Strengthens the digestive power In this, deep breaths are taken while lying on the stomach. By doing this asana, diseases like asthma are also cured along with the stomach.

Supta Matsyendrasana
Along with constipation, this asana proves to be beneficial immediately in every disease of the stomach. By doing this asana, the body is massaged, and by doing this asana in the morning, the pressure exerted on the stomach cleanses the stomach and intestines. That's why this asana also helps in detoxing the body.