NASA has warned people that a new asteroid is heading toward Earth. The agency told that this planet can reach the earth on January 1, 2023. its speed is 21744 kmph and it is 72 feet.

From time to time, NASA keeps informing us about the changes happening in space and new updates related to it. Be it any danger or any other development. This time Bha Nasa has warned us about the new disaster coming towards the earth. Let us tell you that on the occasion of New Year 2023, a huge 72 feet asteroid is moving towards the Earth. NASA has given information like its speed, and distance from the earth.

Why do these things happen

Our space is filled with many elements like asteroids, comets, and meteors, which can sometimes come close to the earth while traveling in their orbit. Objects around the Earth are also attracted to the planet due to its gravitational pull.

New disaster coming on new year

This time on January 1, when the whole world will be busy celebrating the new year, then a big planet will be coming towards the earth. Let us tell you that NASA has issued an alert about a huge 72-foot asteroid, which is moving toward the Earth at a very fast pace.

72-foot Asteroid 2022 YR1

According to information provided by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), a 72-foot asteroid named 2022 YR1 will make its closest approach to Earth on January 1, 2023, with a distance of 6250000 km. This airplane-shaped asteroid is moving at a speed of 21744 kilometers per hour (6.04 km/sec). Is this asteroid dangerous for us? No, it will simply fly past Earth, even though the distance between the space rock and Earth is very small.

Asteroids can be dangerous

To track the motion of asteroids, NASA has deployed several earth and sky-based technologies such as telescopes, and satellites in space. This is because tracking the motion of massive asteroids is so important. If a massive asteroid were to crash into Earth, it could be very devastating to a large part of the area it hit and its effects could be felt around the world.