Everyone wants their teeth to be strong, shiny, and last for a long time. For this, you have to keep some things in mind and adopt a good diet. Your smile plays an important role in making the face beautiful. Teeth add to the beauty. But we pay less attention to its cleanliness and are careless in taking care of them, due to which teeth lose their strength and shine at an early age and are not able to accompany us for a long time. But if you want to keep your teeth strong, shiny, and healthy for a long time, then along with cleaning them, you will also have to eat a healthy diet.

For the strength of your teeth, you must clean them twice a day. For this, brush as soon as you wake up in the morning and before sleeping at night. Most people do not brush at night. Due to this germs start growing in the food particles stuck in the teeth and tooth decay occurs. Therefore, brush both times and give about two minutes to each brushing time. Apart from this, clean your tongue as well, because bacteria accumulate on the tongue as well. Its cleaning keeps the teeth healthy and also prevents bad breath.

Choosing the right toothpaste

Nowadays, many types of toothpaste are available in the market. However, it is very important to identify the right toothpaste. For proper cleaning of teeth, it is necessary to have the right amount of fluoride in the toothpaste, because this fluoride protects the teeth from damage caused by acid and prevents bacteria from growing. The amount of fluoride in any good toothpaste should be from 1000 ppm i.e. parts per million to 1250 ppm. Therefore, choose the right toothpaste.

Pay attention to the toothbrush

According to doctors, you should use a soft toothbrush only. Also, it should be replaced every three months or when it gets damaged. You should wash the brush thoroughly after use. Also, keep it covered so that no dirt accumulates on it.

When you laugh, the world will see you

It is important to have a healthy diet for the health of teeth and gums. So eat fruits and vegetables. Eating fruits and vegetables provides essential nutrients to the teeth. On the other hand, if you take vitamin C in your food, then you can avoid dental problems. Reduce the amount of sweets in your food, because too much sweet is not healthy for teeth. Sweets cause tooth decay and germs start growing. Ice cream is also harmful to teeth, so consume it less even in this season. Apart from this, you should also keep massaging the gums from time to time. On the other hand, if there is an infection in the gums, keep cleaning it with warm water.

Vitamin-C will help

Dentist Dr. Sonam Gupta says, your teeth can rot due to not brushing at night and sleeping. Also, there can be an infection in the gums. This is because people do not know the right way to clean their teeth. To keep your teeth strong, you should massage your gums from time to time. Infections also occur very quickly in the gums, so teeth should be cleaned by a dentist from time to time. On the other hand, for people who have diabetes, their gums swell quickly. In such a situation, they should take special care of it. Also, for the health of your teeth, you should include vitamin C in your diet.

(PC: Freepik)