The festive season has started. In such a situation, many women wear jewelery to get ready. It is worth noting that once purchased, gold jewelry lasts for a long time. However, they lose their shine if kept for a long time. In such a situation, you should keep cleaning your jewelery from time to time so that its shine remains intact. People often go to jewelry shops to get their old jewelery cleaned. It costs a lot. Whereas if we tell you that you can easily do this work even sitting at home. In this series, today we are going to tell you about those methods, with the help of which you can easily make your old jewelry shine. Let us know about them in detail -

To clean your old jewelry, you have to take clean water in a bowl. After this, some liquid soap has to be mixed in it. After this, you will have to mix it a little and soak the gold jewelry in it.

After 15 minutes of doing this, you have to clean it with a soft bristle brush. After this leave the jewelery to dry. After drying, the shine of the jewelry will return.

You can also clean gold jewelry with boiled water. For this, you have to keep your gold jewelry in a bowl. After this, you have to slowly pour boiling water on it. Keep in mind that the jewelry should be completely submerged in water.

This will help in removing the dirt from the jewelry. The trick is to leave your jewelry in the hot water until it cools down to room temperature. After this, you have to clean it with a soft brush or cotton cloth.

(PC: Social media)